DevOps in a Cloud Native & Serverless World – The Goat Farm – S2E1

The Goat Farm is back with what we’re dubbing “Season 2”. In Season 2 we are going to focus on the challenges of inertia in organizations, how organizations are adopting the practices of Cloud Native and Serverless, and the intersection of DevOps and Cloud Native.

We start this episode off with a conversation with Joe Beda of Heptio. This conversation was originally recorded in December of 2017 at The Lodge Sports Grille in downtown Seattle.  Joe talks about the concept of organizational fit, and how the patterns and practices of DevOps in the past had a hard time mapping to an organization. He also talks about the concept of API first infrastructure, and how that impacts how we think about operations.

We also catch up with Rob Cummings of Slalom and Tom McLaughlin of ServerlessOps at DevOpsDays Seattle 2018. Both guests tell us about the impact of Serverless on the transformation of the organization, and the current trends their seeing with adoption of Cloud Native and Serverless.

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Music: C’est sur toi que ça va le mieux by Monplaisir

Show Notes:

joebedaJoe Beda – TwitterLinkedIn

Joe Beda is CTO of Heptio, a startup focused on unleashing the technology driven enterprise. We aim to realize the full potential of Kubernetes and transform IT into a business accelerator. Prior to Heptio, Joe was at Google for over 10 years. While there, Joe started Google Compute Engine and co-founded the Kubernetes project. In a previous life, Joe started his career at Microsoft working on Internet Explorer. Joe is slowly becoming a Seattle native with his wife, a physician, and two kids.


Rob Cummings – TwitterLinkedIn

Rob has been involved in IT operations for the past 20 years. This includes systems engineering work at Bose, EMC Corporation, and Nordstrom. Today, Rob is a Solution Principal at Slalom Consulting where he helps companies solve problems and build for the future. He focuses his passion on pushing the boundaries of both how we implement technology and set up organizational structures for success. Rob is also a co-organizer for the DevOpsDays Seattle conference.

tom-mclaughlinTom McLaughlin – TwitterLinkedIn

Tom is the founder of ServerlessOps and an experienced operations engineer. He is actively engaged in promoting serverless infrastructure and engaging with the community to make operations people successful through what he sees as a disruption to his profession. When not at work he is a proud cat dad to two calicoes and enjoys spending his time drag racing and sailing. He is also an amateur thinkfluencer on Twitter.

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